Short communication

Roland Lupoli¹*, Soran H. Ahmed², Saman A. Ahmad³, Korsh Ararat²

¹ 79, rue Jules Ferry, F-94120 Fontenay-sous-bois, France
² Department of Biology/College of Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Iraq; Kurdistan Botanical Foundation, American University of Iraq-Sulaimani
³ Biotechnology and Crop Science Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Science, University of Sulaimani, Iraq; Kurdistan Botanical Foundation, American Univer-sity of Iraq-Sulaimani
*Corresponding author

Received: 04.10.2021 / Accepted: 13.11.2021 / Published: 19.11.2021
139 – 140


Graphosoma melanoxanthum is reported for the first time in Iraq. In natura photo, it is shown on a newly reported host plant Eryngium billardierei (Apiaceae). The distinguishing characters of G. melanoxanthum are discussed, and the global distribution map of this species in the Middle East with some new records is provided.


true bugs, shield bugs, Podopinae, Graphosoma, new records, distribution, Iraq, Apiaceae, Eryngium