True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) collected in IBL-5 traps in Kampinos Forest (Masovian Lowland)

Grzegorz Gierlasiński¹* , Dawid Marczak²

¹ Zbiory Przyrodnicze, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, ul. Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań
² Kampinoski Park Narodowy, ul. Tetmajera 38, 05-080 Izabelin; Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie, ul. Olszewska 12, 00-792 Warszawa
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)

Otrzymano (received): 18.08.2020 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 10.09.2020 / Opublikowano (published): 29.09.2020
181 – 188


This paper presents the results of the research carried out in the Kampinos Forest. All collected specimens were caught using IBL-5 traps. Among the collected species was Tingis crispata, species new to Masovian Lowland, Aradus brevicollis and Eremocoris plebejus, whose localities are the second in the Masovian Lowland.
So far, 97 species were known from the Kampinos Forest and its vicinity. Among the collected species, 10 are given for the first time from the forest.


true bugs, faunistics, first record, distribution, IBL-5 trap, Poland