A contribution to the distribution of true-bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Poland – II

Grzegorz Gierlasiński¹* , Grzegorz Kolago², Bartłomiej Pacuk³, Artur Taszakowski⁴ , Maksymilian Syratt, Jarosław Regner⁵, Aneta Itczak, Robert Żóralski⁶, Tomasz Rutkowski¹ , Dorota Radzimkiewicz, Wojciech Kucza⁷, Bartosz Ogłaza⁴

¹ Zbiory Przyrodnicze, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, ul. Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań
² ul. Czarnieckiego 5/8, 30-536 Kraków
³ ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 21/4, 85-090 Bydgoszcz;
⁴ Instytut Biologii, Biotechnologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Wydział Nauk Przyrodniczych, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, ul. Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice
⁵ ul. Słowackiego 13/5, 49-300 Brzeg
⁶ ul. Norwida 9, 84-240 Reda
⁷ Świecko 19c, 69-100 Słubice
✉ ggierlas@gmail.com
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)

Otrzymano (received): 10.01.2020 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 30.03.2020 / Opublikowano (published): 24.04.2020
53 – 108


This paper is a continuation of a series of publications on the distribution of true-bugs in Poland, and included new faunistic data for 315 species of true bugs. In total, data on 71 previously unreported species for 20 zoogeographical regions of Poland were presented, including some rarely collected: Aradus bimaculatus, A. signaticornis, Arocatus melanocephalus, Charagochilus spiralifer, Dichrooscytus gustavi, Dicyphus annulatus, Dictyla rotundata, Emblethis denticollis, Heterogaster cathariae, Leptopus marmoratus, Megalonotus praetextatus, Philomyrmex insignis, Prostemma guttula, Temnostethus reduvinus, and Tropidothorax leucopterus. Additionally, it is worth paying attention to the species that are alien to the Polish fauna or being in strong expansion: Halyomorpha halys, Leptoglossus occidentalis, Nezara viridula, Orsillus depressus, Oxycarenus lavaterae, and Tritomegas sexmaculatus. It is also noteworthy that this paper was largely prepared using the so-called Citizen Science, where many persons (non-specialist in Heteroptera) collected data constituting over 20% of the presented records. The information, based on the photographs and field observations, most often concerned species of relatively large sizes and unquestionable diagnostic features. What is most important, the true bugs recorded in this way included species very rarely collected in Poland, as well as the whole of the presented data on species alien to Polish fauna. Due to the lack of funding that is a major obstacle to the biodiversity studies in Poland, the use of Citizen Science seems to be the only way to monitor all the very dynamic changes taking place in national entomofauna effectively.


Hemiptera, Heteroptera, true-bugs, faunistics, distribution, new records, Poland