Second locality of the sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832) in Upper Silesia
Krótkie doniesienie – Short communication
Barbara Lis*
, Paweł J. Domagała 
Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Oleska 22, 45-052 Opole
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)
Otrzymano (received): 08.11.2021 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 17.01.2022 / Opublikowano (published): 31.01.2022
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The sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832) has a North American origin and is one of the most abundant and widespread pests on plane trees (Platanus spp.) across the globe. It has been introduced to Europe, South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa during the last sixty years. In Poland, it has been recorded since 2009 in 28 localities distributed in four of its southern zoogeographical regions. The present paper describes the second record of this species in Upper Silesia.
true bugs, sycamore lace bug, non-native species, invasive species, Platanus spp., Upper Silesia, Poland