New locality of Melanocoryphus albomaculatus (Goeze, 1778) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in Poland

Krótkie doniesienie – Short communication

Grzegorz Gierlasiński* , Tomasz Rutkowski

Zbiory Przyrodnicze, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 6, 61-614 Poznań
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)

Otrzymano (received): 25.08.2023 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 20.11.2023 / Opublikowano (published): 30.11.2023
161 – 163


This note presents a new locality of Melanocoryphus albomaculatus, a species rarely collected in Poland. The historical records of this true bug were limited to the southern part of the country, and this information dates back more than a century. The new location in Lutynia confirms the presence of this species in southern Poland. Additional information about the biology of this species in Poland is also provided.


seed bugs, faunistics, new record, true bugs, Poland