True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the oak stands in the vicinity of Kalwaria Pacławska
Jarosław Bury¹*
, Jacek Mazepa², Tomasz Olbrycht³
¹ Markowa 1498, 37-120 Markowa
² Osiedle Kombatantów 19/3, 37- 500 Jarosław
³ Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Kolegium Nauk Przyrodniczych, Instytut Nauk Rolniczych, Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska, Zakład Agroekologii, ul. Mieczysławy Ćwiklińskiej 1a, 35-601 Rzeszów
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)
Otrzymano (received): 10.06.2023 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 31.10.2023 / Opublikowano (published): 15.11.2023
137 – 150
New faunistic data on the occurrence of true bugs in the location of Pacław, part of Kalwaria Pacławska (the Eastern Beskid Mts.), are presented. The observations were carried out in three different habitats with the participation of oaks – an exposed (without undergrowth) luminous oak forest (394 m asl), a fresh upland forest (407 m asl) and a solitary oak growing on the edge of the forest (392 m asl). The following collecting methods were used: Barber soil traps, IBL-5 barrier traps and Moericke’s yellow pan traps. As a result of the research, 38 true bugs species from 12 families were found. The largest number of true bug species was found in the solitaire oak using Moericke’s yellow pan traps. The most noteworthy species identified during the research are Mermitelocerus schmidtii (Fieber, 1836), Temnostethus gracilis Horváth, 1907, Loricula exilis (Fallén, 1807) and Campylosteira verna (Fallén, 1826).
biodiversity, true bugs, faunistic data, distribution, new records, the Eastern Beskid Mts