Materials to the distribution of terrestrial true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in selected localizations of south-eastern and north-eastern Poland – Part 2
Jarosław Bury¹*
, Jacek Mazepa²
¹ Markowa 1498, 37-120 Markowa
² Osiedle Kombatantów 19/3, 37- 500 Jarosław
*Autor do korespondencji (corresponding author)
Otrzymano (received): 19.01.2022 / Zaakceptowano (accepted): 31.03.2022 / Opublikowano (published): 16.04.2022
15 – 36
New faunistic data on the occurrence of true bugs in 5 zoogeographical regions of south-eastern and north-eastern Poland: the Bieszczady Mts., the Eastern Beskids Mts., the Sandomierz Lowland, the Upper Silesia and the Mazurian Lakeland are presented. The paper includes the data concerning 170 true bugs species from 21 families collected in 67 localities within 44 10×10 km UTM squares. 26 species were first recorded, as follows: Ischnodemus sabuleti in the Bieszczady Mts., Acompocoris alpinus, Eremocoris fenestratus, Nezara viridula and Oncotylus viridiflavus in the region of the Eastern Beskids Mts., Acompocoris alpines, A. pygmaeus, Acetropis longirostris, Adomerus biguttatus, Closterotomus fulvomaculatus, Chlamydatus pullus, Criocoris crassicornis, Cydnus aterrimus, Halyomorpha halys, Lopus decolor, Nemo-coris fallenii, Nysius helveticus, Oncochila scapularis, Oncotylus viridiflavus, Orthocephalus brevis, Orthops kalmii, Phytocoris ulmi, Psallus vittatus, Strongylocoris luridus in the Sandomierz Lowland, while Gonocerus juniperi and Pygolampis bidentata were first detected in the Mazurian Lake-land. Additionally, new data on invasive species: Leptoglossus occidentalis, H. halys, N. viridula and Oxycarenus lavaterae were also provided.
biodiversity, true bugs, invasive species, faunistic data, distribution, new records, Poland